Maber Alqawafil


الرئيسية / Team

All of our previous projects

Ibri Festival 2008

Establishment of a forum and a consumer show in the state of Ibri

Entertainment Forum (Ayoud)

The period from 1-11-2008 to 3-11-2008

Entertainment Forum (Ayoud) 2008 The establishment of the recreational forum in the municipal park, the state of Salif

Yanqul Festival 2008

The period from 6-12-2008 to 18-12-2008

Organizing recreational activities in Yanqul in the municipal park

Lead Event Organizer

Wellborn Asher

Morbi elementum id urna eget volutpat. Nullam iaculis pharetra dui, eget consequat neque iaculis et. Duis et nisi sit amet ante accumsan iaculis id at orci


Ashmit Pardu

Morbi elementum id urna eget volutpat. Nullam iaculis pharetra dui, eget consequat neque iaculis et. Duis et nisi sit amet ante accumsan iaculis id at orci

Mahout Festival 2009

The period from 10-3-2009 to 24-3-2009

Organizing recreational activities in the state of Mahout

Establishing a site for electric and recreational game

The period from 1-11-2009 to 31-10-2014

Aqaba neighborhood garden investment contract for a period of 5 years

Hebrew Festival 2009

The period from 3-6-2009 to 2-7-2009

Organizing entertainment events in the Ibri Sports Club, Ibri State

Ibri Festival 2010

The period from 25-6-2010 to 15-7-2010

Organizing recreational activities in the Aqaba neighborhood park

Ibri Festival 2011

The period from 10-8-2011 to 9-9-2011

Organizing recreational activities in the Aqaba neighborhood park

Ibri Festival 2011

The period from 10-8-2011 to 16-8-2011

Establishment of a consumer exhibition specialized in the requirements of women and children In Ibri Municipal Garden

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